Canberra Indian Myna Action Group


Submission to Standing Committee on Environment, Climate Change and Biodiversity
Inquiry into Petition 17-23: Indian (Common) Myna Control

Declaration of Indian Mynas as Pest Animals
Submission to ACT Government
(PDF, 500Kb)

Response Strategies for the Common (Indian) Myna
Bill Handke, Canberra Indian Myna Action Group Inc
May 2014
(PDF, 149Kb)

World-first scientific evidence that Indian Mynas harm native Australian bird populations
Media Release from the Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre
8 August 2012
(PDF, 42Kb)

How many Common Mynas in the ACT?
article by Martin Butterfield, Coordinator, Garden Bird Survey, Canberra Ornithologists Group Inc.
29 June 2009
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CIMAG Case Study—A study in Community-action
article by Bill Handke, President, CIMAG
May 2009,
(PDF, 497Kb)

Tackling Indian Mynas
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Item for IUCN Invasive Species Specialist Group Pacific IM Initiative
(PDF, 216Kb)

Returning some balance – tackling Indian Mynas
article by Bill Handke, President, CIMAG. Published in Friends of the Australian National Botanic Gardens Newsletter,
July 2007
(PDF, 139Kb)

Tackling the Dreaded Indian Myna
article by Bill Handke, President, CIMAG
(PDF, 23Kb)

AvIan Whimsy
article by Ian Fraser, Published in Gang-gang, newsletter of Canberra Ornithologistst Group (COG),
September 2006
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